Kambeo Platform

Transforming a Gig Economy App into a Social Giving Platform

2021–2022, Web App + Mobile


2 Product Managers
3 Product Designers
5 Developers


Oct 2021 - Mar 2022
6 Months


Figma, Photoshop,
Trevor.io, ClickUp

My Role

User Research, Design System, Wireframing, Mockups, Prototyping

Team — 2 Product Managers, 3 Product Designers, 5 Developers

Timeline — Oct 2021 - Mar 2022, 6 Months

Tools — Figma, Photoshop, Trevor.io, ClickUp

My Role — User Research, Design System, Wireframing, Mockups, Prototyping

Kambeo is a social giving platform designed to support organizations and individuals trying to build a better world through community engagement.

Project Context

We redesigned a gig economy app to transform it into a social giving platform with a focus on making it easier for everyday people to connect with their communities. We prioritized improving key experiences like onboarding and discovery to solve pain points for both our users and the business.

My Impact

While I collaborated with two other designers on this project, I was largely responsible for working on the discovery experience. Our redesign saw an improvement in key metrics that indicated an increase in user growth, as well as improved engagement across the entirety of the product.

Kambeo Case Study

An Overview

When I joined Gigit in 2021, the company was primarily an online platform that provided part time jobs and volunteer opportunities to students. As them Nonprofit side of the business grew, our product offerings weren’t meeting the needs of our users.

To better align with users’ needs, our team decided to rebrand the company as Kambeo, focalizing the idea of social giving through a total redesign the platform. Kambeo would operate as an online community for nonprofits and charities to find volunteers and donors, as well as to empower everyday individuals to get involved in their communities.

A look at the Gigit discovery experience where users are provided recommendations on the homepage, and then can use a map screen for further exploration.

The Problem

How can we design a social giving platform that makes it easy for anyone to give back to their communities?

In an increasingly socially conscious world, people aspire to provide for their communities but experience barriers to creating local connections.

Research Methods

Understanding Our Users

To learn more about our users we interviewed a key stakeholder responsible for daily operations at a local nonprofit. We analyzed this data to develop four personas that represented our core users: Event Coordinator, Donor Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator and Student Volunteer.

We used these personas in conjunction with customer support feedback as well as metrics from the platform to identify gaps between our product offerings and user needs. This process was critical to defining our problem statement and determining future directions for the product.

Research Methods

Key Insights

By conducting interviews with our stakeholders and analyzing our current product, we identified some key insights about our users and our business. As a design team we then worked together with our Product Managers to discuss these insights and develop some key strategies in response for areas where our product experience could be improved.

Business Problem

As we moved away from offering odd jobs and moved towards social giving, our brand and the visual language of our product no longer matches what do as a company.


Users were struggling to find opportunities that spoke to the causes they care about and that truly resonated with them.


Users felt overwhelmed and were dropping off during key flows in the product such as signing up and creating fundraisers or events.


Realign the Product and the Brand
We need to develop a consistent visual brand across both the product and the company that reflects our mission.


Connect Organizations and Individuals
We need to create an experience that makes it super easy for users and nonprofits that match to connect with one another.


Grow Users & Drive Engagement
We need to create a user guided experience that encourages users to want to sign up and engage with content on our platform.


Initial Whiteboarding

We immediately started brainstorming some early ideas for how we wanted users to enter the product. The previous version of the product was a front facing web app where anyone could go to browse causes and events. This was an experience largely targeted towards individual users. However with Kambeo, we wanted to target organizations as potential customers in addition to targeting individual users.

As a result, we knew right from the start that we wanted to have experiences tailored to both potential types of users. This resulted in us splitting the product into two branches. The initial Kambeo homepage would act more as a marketing landing page and users would have to sign in to access the app. At this stage we also started to explore ideas like gamification and discoverability to address certain pain points we had identified.

A look at our initial brainstorming as a team for how we could redesign the onboarding and discovery experience for new users coming into the product.

Ideation Phase

Exploring User Engagement

We examined how other companies like Strava, Nike and Duolingo were implementing gamification into their products to drive engagement. We explored concepts using different gamification design patterns to see what value they could add to our product. These involved ideas such as adding an achievement system to the product, community leaderboards, and an incentivized points based system.

Ultimately, the deeper we dove in the direction of gamification, the harder we found that it was to develop a system that our users would find meaningful. We decided that although there was some indication of added value, gamification was a feature that we should reprioritize for a later release.

Some early wireframes exploring the idea of gamification to drive engagement and introducing achievements.

Ideation Phase

Refining the Discovery Experience

Moving away from idea of gamification, we started exploring the idea of using social tools and community building as a means to get people involved. We felt that the addition of a social component combined with an enhanced discovery experience was a much stronger direction to take the platform. We analyzed products like Ticketmaster, Airbnb, Eventbrite and Facebook for inspiration.

Our strategy was to demonstrate to users on both the social side and the discover side that there are many different avenues to giving back to your community, some of which with less barriers than others. Our platform offers individuals many different tools to decide for themselves how they want give back. Communicating that idea to the individual was critical to the redesign.

We started exploring the idea of having discover be it’s own section in the app, as well as introducing some of the social elements.

Ideation Phase

Solving for User Retention

We also explored solutions to reduce drop off rates throughout certain creation flows such as creating events or fundraisers. Many of these flows were long complex processes that were overwhelming to our users. We used design patterns like forced progression to break up the creation process into small steps for the user that were more manageable. We also gave users the option to skip some steps if they were able to add the information in later.

Refinement Phase

Creating the Design System

As we were ideating on design solutions, we were also developing an entirely new design system for the new platform. We wanted to improve design consistency across the product while also creating a brand that felt fun and approachable, but also professional and trustworthy. We worked together with the Marketing Team to develop a visual language that uses photography to emphasize the human element to what we do as a company.

Our secondary goal with the design system was to improve how we worked together as a team. Implementing the Kambeo Design System into our workflow had a massive impact on our efficiency within the Product Team as well as our communication with other cross functional teams.

Refinement Phase

Putting it All Together

Once we felt the design system was far enough along we started working on high fidelity mockups for different areas of the product. Below you can see some early mocks we did for exploring ideas around how the brand would be applied throughout the product. The screens above show how our filtering controls evolved over time to match the needs of our users. The screens below show some early ideas for applying branding to the onboarding screens and some early ideas for how they could be adapted for mobile.

A look at how how the filtering on the discover page designs evolved, as well as some early screens applying the new design language to the product.

Final Solution

Launching Kambeo 1.0

We did a soft launch of the company as Kamebo in September of 2021 to introduce our customers to our new branding and positioning as a company. There was however one small misstep along the way regarding our new sign up flow. The flow was too long and complex for most customers which lead to an increased drop-off rate. We simplified the sign up flow and released it with a hotfix and and we quickly saw a large increase in user sign up. We fully launched the new platform in October of 2021 to overwhelming support from our customers new and old.

The new homepage and activity feed where users can post about how they're getting involved within their community.

A New Discovery Experience
One of our core components of the redesigned platform was an entirely new section for users to discover causes and events. These discover pages would act as landing pages where users can explore all the different ways they can get involved in their community. We decided to use carousels to present our offerings in new and interesting ways. This allowed us to use custom headings to help guide the user on how they can give back (e.g. “Looking for Volunteers” rather than simply  “Causes”).

We also introduced a new tagging system that would better connect users with causes they care about. This allows users to apply category tags to their groups or events. One massive benefit of this approach was that we could now create discover pages for each individual tag, providing yet another layer of discoverability to the end user.

Users can use our new Discover section to browse what's happening on the platform in a variety of new and interesting ways.

Onboarding & Creation Flows
In addition to the new discovery experience, we also worked on redesigning our onboarding and creation flows in an effort to help reduce their drop off rates. Our previous designs for these consisted of single step modals. With our redesign, we broke the information up into easy to follow steps that would guide the user through the process of signing up or creating an event or fundraiser on the platform. This allowed us to add additional information and complexity that was missing from these flows, while still increasing their click through rates.

Our new creation flows break up complex processes into simple steps for the user.


Business Outcomes

Increased User Growth
We officially launched the Kambeo platform in October of 2021. We received an overwhelmingly positive response from our existing users. After shipping the new onboarding flow with the first release for the Kambeo platform we saw our user growth increase by almost 300%.

Increased User Engagement
There were a number of other key metrics we looked at to determine the outcomes for the redesign. Some of these metrics included Volunteer Growth, Group Creation Growth and Volunteer Opportunity Growth. We saw a significant increase in all of these metrics over Q4 2021 and carrying into Q1 2022.

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